Sunday, May 14, 2006


Mother's Day

I'm really sad today. I should not be.

My mother is still living, and for that I should be rejoicing, and I am. Granted, she lives almost 700 miles away and I can't be with her today, but I haven't been able to spend a Mother's Day with her for over 20 years.

My mother-in-law is still living. She's even farther away, and we haven't seen her for Mother's Day in probably 15 years, either. But, as mothers-in-law go, she's a pretty good one and I should be happy today that she raised her son to be the good man he is, and that she is the good woman she is.

And I'm not a mother today. But, I haven't been a mother for 44 years. I should be used to the non-event feeling of this "holiday" by now.

But, having finally given up on trying to conceive just a month ago, there's a fresh wound that's bleeding within my heart today.

It's okay to be sad today. It is a loss that you're experiencing, I know it's painful. You are not alone.
If you ever figure out a way for Mother's Day to be a happy occasion, let me know.
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